Airing dirty wash is slang for letting others know about your private life (especially the bad parts).
There is the trend of today where people just let it all hang out online even at the cost of their religion, jobs, or relationships with others.
Instead of finding a good friend's shoulder to cry on, most feel more better letting the world's population know of their private problems.
Some Muslims do the damnest things like air their dirty wash online also.
Then get a defensive stance or dish up a combo of lame-ass justifications for their actions.
It's between me and Allah SWT. (Now it's on Facebook and Twitter, too.)
Don't judge me or remind me of my deen.
I have my reasons for why I did it.
I feel that I....
But so-and-so did it...
It's my choice....
I feel as through I should not be criticized....
Example: Muslim brother is having trouble with his gambling problem and he didn't leave it in Vegas. Instead the stress & regretting eats at him until he posts it on Facebook then get angry when alot of Muslims remind him that gambling is a no-no in Islam. But he is so comforted with the non-Muslims or Muslims who partake in gambling, come to his rescue. WTH!!!
Or better:
Example: Muslim sister has Christmas with her family and clearly it's nagging at her so she gets on a soapbox, being defensive against anyone who remind her about the stance of Christmas in Islam (Christmas is forbidden in Islam).
So why the hell tell people about her mistake and expect them to agree with her shortcoming?
Insha'allah, you are going to regret doing it and it goes against your religion: DON"T FREAKING DO IT!!!
That would save all of us the trouble of wondering what happened to the person's common sense.
There is no confession in Islam, meaning if you have something eating you up on the inside, publicly confessing it to the world is not good. Muslims can privately discuss the matter with others. Not saying that we should keep it all bottled up but airing dirty wash is not a good idea either. Airing dirty wash is just as harmful because it may lead to people actually justifying their mistakes/wrong doings and people maybe mislead about issues that they should avoid altogether.
Really, these Muslims are looking for forgiveness in all the wrong places. Insha'allah they can publicly confess their bad deeds/mistakes to a mixed audience then they can get some sympathy from others who have "been there". Unfortunately, those same people can't even pardon/fix their own bad deeds so what makes they capable of pardoning/fix anyone else's is beyond reasoning.
And another I consider just right out immature is when people play the "don't judge me" card after posting something that was not right. I feel that insha'allah, the person had enough courage to post their bad personal crap online, then hey; time to be an adult and face the crowd. Having this idea that people are supposed to be your support groupies when you are in the wrong is disgusting and childish. Also playing the "don't judge me' card does not excuse the mistake. The person looks just as arrogant because they were wrong and they want to be supported in their wrong doings/mistakes/bad deeds.
Assalamualaikum, you have been nominated for a blog award. you can get it at http://farhanasews.blogspot.com/2012/12/i-got-award.html
ReplyDeleteAmen sister!
ReplyDeleteespecially the "don't judge me" part.